Section: Java Web Services Tools (1)
Updated: 21 November 2013
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wsgen - Reads a web service endpoint implementation (SEI) class and generates all of the required artifacts for web service deployment, and invocation.
wsgen [ options ] SEI
- options
The command-line options. See Options.
The web service endpoint implementation class (SEI) to be read.
The wsgen command generates JAX-WS portable artifacts used in JAX-WS web services. The tool reads a web service endpoint class and generates all the required artifacts for web service deployment and invocation. JAXWS 2.1.1 RI also provides a wsgen Ant task, see the Tools tab of the JAX-WS (wsgen) page at
To start the wsgen command, do the following:
export JAXWS_HOME=/pathto/jaxws-ri
$JAXWS_HOME/bin/ -help
- -classpath path
The location of the input class files.
- -cp path
The location of the input class files.
- -d directory
The location for where to place generated output files.
- -extension
Allow vendor extensions. Use of extensions can result in applications that are not portable or that do not work with other implementations.
- -help
Displays a help message about the wsgen command.
- -keep
Keeps the generated files.
- -r directory
Uses this option with the -wsdl option to specify where to place generated resource files such as WSDLs.
- -s directory
The location for where to place generated source files.
- -verbose
Displays compiler messages.
- -version
Prints release information.
- -wsdl [ :protocol ]
An optional command that generates a WSDL file to review before endpoint deployment. The WSDL files contains a machine-readable description of how the service can be called, what parameters it expects, and what data structures it returns.
By default the wsgen command does not generate a WSDL file. The protocol value is optional and is used to specify what protocol should be used for the WSDL binding (wsdl:binding). Valid protocols are soap1.1 and Xsoap1.2. The default is soap1.1. The Xsoap1.2 protocol is not standard and can only be used with the -extension option.
- -servicename name
Used only with the -wsdl option to specify a particular WSDL service (wsdl:service) name to be generated in the WSDL, for example: -servicename "{http://mynamespace/}MyService".
- -portname name
Used only with the -wsdl option to specify a particular WSDL port (wsdl:port) name to be generated in the WSDL, for example: -portname "{http://mynamespace/}MyPort".
The following example generates the wrapper classes for StockService with @WebService annotations inside stock directory.
wsgen -d stock -cp myclasspath stock.StockService
The following example generates a SOAP 1.1 WSDL and schema for the stock.StockService class with @WebService annotations.
wsgen -wsdl -d stock -cp myclasspath stock.StockService
The following example generates a SOAP 1.2 WSDL.
wsgen -wsdl:Xsoap1.2 -d stock -cp myclasspath stock.StockService
Note: You do not have to generate WSDL at development time because the JAXWS run time environment generates a WSDL for you when you deploy your service.
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The Tools tab of the JAX-WS (wsgen) page
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Time: 08:55:12 GMT, December 16, 2021